Saturday, July 11, 2009


Caste religion,language,gender,resources,lust and lack of control are considered enemies .Wars are fought on these bases. But the real enemy is POVERTY. A rich Choudary is not fighting an equally rich Chamar.A rich Hindu and a rich Muslim are friends.A rich Bengali and a rich Tamilian start a joint business venture.If a wife leaves husband or husband ditches wife the main reason is MONEY. Persons with no land/house/property are no one`s friends.Lust and lack of control caused by alcohol abuse which again is caused by poverty make humans villains.Think carefully. The cause of every war is poverty. And that is the real enemy of humanity.


  1. Uncle, nice thoughts...but i wouldnot believe that every rich man would be helping a poor one...for that matter..better not to have any expectations! am glad...finally you have a i get to see more and more postings :) keep writing
